Next Meeting: 

Tuesday January 28th

7:00 PM (doors open 6:30 PM, for social)


Program information

Our program is our annual tool swap.  So, clean out that shop, bring some tools and cash (bring your dues as well:)

And come have a good time swapping tools!


Sedgwick County Extension Office, Bison Room

7001 W 21st St
21st & Ridge Road
Wichita, KS

Link to Map

Welcome to our Guild.

The Sunflower Woodworker's Guild was established in Wichita in 1991. The purpose of the Guild is to build woodworking skills through the sharing of knowledge, and the promotion of our local woodworking community. We welcome all skill levels from beginners to professionals.


Meetings are on the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Sedgwick County Extension Building 7001 W 21st Street, Wichita, KS. Doors open @ 6:30 PM The general meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. with business followed by a program featuring a presentation of a woodworking skill or topic by one of our members, or an invited guest speaker.


If you are not familiar with our Guild, we encourage you to come visit with us at one of our monthly meetings. We all come from a variety of backgrounds, but we all love working with wood. So, come on down and visit.


If  you would like to become a member please contact any of our officers and they would be happy to help you get acquainted with other members and to help you with your membership. Membership Dues are collected by the Calendar Year and are $30.00 or $15.00 if you join after June.


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© Sunflower Woodworkers Guild Est. 1991